Lumain Consulting - Marketing e Tecnologia Consultoria

Strategic Consulting in Marketing

Tailor-made solutions, crafted to drive your business forward
with essential-focused consultancy.

Services and solutions designed according to the needs of unique clients.


Tailor-made strategic consultancy: customized to boost your business through Marketing and Technology solutions.

Lumain Consulting


Business plan, brand identity and positioning, and other initiatives to launch or evolve your business in a specialized manner. Turn ideas into reality through detailed market analyses and solid product definitions.


Structuring and training of marketing teams, including strategic mentoring. Planning and execution of campaigns on social media, emails, and advertisements. Developing creative solutions to effectively and innovatively communicate your business.

Lumain Consulting


Keeping a website updated and aligned with the latest technologies is essential for your brand's online presence, attracting qualified leads, and gaining visibility in search engine results. Rely on support for the development and management of your project.

Enhance the full potential of your business with consultancy and a tailored package of Marketing and Technology solutions.

Social Media

Planning and execution of initiatives for Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, LinkedIn, and others, from editorial and content creation to creative solutions focused on your brand's objectives.

Online Advertising

Media management for advertisements at all stages of the funnel, from branding to lead qualification, with the purpose of equipping your sales team with potential customers.

E-mail Campaigns

Consultancy and execution of email campaigns to reach, engage, and convert your audience.

Business Development

Business plan development, market analysis, strategies, product journeys, new brand creation, and much more. All of this with the purpose of bringing your idea to life and achieving your business goals.

Mentoring and Training

Structuring and management of marketing teams, covering everything from role definition and training to operations and process optimization.

Project Management

Agile project management and development of websites and landing pages to establish an optimized online presence and engage your audience.


Lumain is conceptualized by a Consultant with over a decade of experience in Marketing, who has also garnered expertise in digital marketing agencies and technological solutions, working in team management and development, strategies, products, and projects.

The focus of consultancy at Lumain always revolves around seeking the best strategic and personalized solution for each client, acting as a transformative agent for businesses.

The significant difference lies here: there are no pre-packaged solutions or fixed ideas; together, we can arrive at the best combination of approaches to elevate your business.